
counseling psychology

Counseling Psychology Approximately ten per cent of all members of the American Psychological Association are employed in this prominent applied field. Althought the counseling psychologist's work is like the clinician's in many respects, the counselor generally works with clients not suffering from severe emotional disturbances, but who are in need of help in making decisions about vocational and educational goals, social adjustment, or baffling problems. Guidance counselors working in educational settings help students in selecting study programs and careers, while familly counselors attempt to help in resolving conflicts between husbands and wives or between parents and children. Counselors administer tests of intelligence, atitudes, interests, and personality to serve as bases for guidance and counseling. the number of counseling psychologist has increased substantially in response to the needs of hight school, college, and university students for their services. A maste...

Associates in psychology

Associates in Psychology , this site deals with methods of psychology ( all about psychology ). By the way, what is psychology ..!! Psychology is the scientific study of the behavior of humans ( the study or science of the human mind ). The term behavior refers both to overt, observable actions and to covert, unobservable "internal" mental processes and states such as perception, reasoning, thought, emotions, problem solving, feelings, etc. Systematic, objective observations of overt behavior, including verbal behavior, are the sources of psychologists inferences about these mental processes and states. The chief goals of psychology are the accurate and precise descriptions of conduct, thoughts, and feelings and the investigation of the many variables biological, personal, and social, that interact in determining behavior and mental processes. The field of psychology is therefore intimately connected with physiology and with other behavio...